Proudly serving Springfield and Sandusky Townships and the City of Ontario, Richland County, Ohio
Those we serve
STFD operates 24/7/365 from two firehouses. Staffing from 6-9 cross-trained firefighter/EMT or firefighter/paramedics. We employ full-time and part-time members. Our response area consists of 50.6 square miles, which includes the City of Ontario, Springfield, and Sandusky Townships. In 2023 we answered 2,252 calls for service. As of the 2020 census shows, 11,064 are living in Springfield Township and the City of Ontario. Sandusky Township recorded a population of 1,002. The department covers 12,068 residents and thousands of visitors daily to our many shopping, entertainment, service, and restaurant establishments in the City of Ontario.
Ontario, especially the Lexington-Springmill Rd corridor, is well known for its commercial and small industrial setting. Shoppers come from surrounding counties to shop and dine. Each day Ontario sees approximately 30,000 visitors coming into our community to shop, work, eat, or enjoy some of the beautiful parks. Our industrial-zoned area is growing faster than ever as well. Approximately 300,000 sq ft of businesses will be added within the next two years.
The district is a major regional retail hub serving North-Central Ohio, with a shopping population of over 150,000. The city's industry has since diversified into a service economy, including education, finance, and healthcare.
How your department operates
The department command and support staff consist of Chief Adam Spellman and Administrative Assistant Kirstin Gray.
Dr. Ambrose Wu operates as the department's medical director. Lt. Ellen Meredith is the EMS Coordinator for the dept. Line officers consist of Lt. Ellen Meredith on A crew, Lt. Anthony Shelton on B Crew, and Lt. John Gray on C Crew.
Our mission to you
To provide for the protection and preservation of life and property, mindful of acceptable levels of risk and diversity, by maintaining the highest standards of fire suppression, fire prevention, emergency medical services, education, and safety programs. Our dedicated members are our most valuable asset. We continually strive for integrity and excellence.
Applications (pdf)
Fire Department STFD History
or read the History of STFD 1948-1970 (PDF)
(above) #2 Fire Station & Dept. Headquarters, 400 S. Lex-Springmill Rd.
Station #2 Non-Emergency Phone number (419)529-5512
(below) #1 Fire Station & Township Hall, Fire Prevention, 3700 Park Avenue West
Station #1 Non-Emergency Phone number (419) 529-4416
Click on images for larger photo
Contact us
Chief Spellman This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Admin Asst. Kirstin Gray This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A Crew Lt. Ellen Meredith This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
B Crew Lt Anthony Shelton This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
C Crew Lt. John Gray This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Maintenance Vern Bickers This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fire prevention contact information click here
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